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Administrative and municipal law

Gromova G.A. The doctrine of administrative coercion as a protective function of administrative law in the late XIX - the early XX centuries .

Abstract: The article investigates the impact of the methods of administrative law on social relations, in particular - in the performance of protective functions of law. The author carries out the historical and legal analysis of coercion in the implementation of protective functions as well as a comparison with current legislation containing legal and administrative regulations. The author focuses on the essence of state coercion, its separate value, theoretical issues of enforcement according to administrative law; formulates the concept, features, types of enforcement in public administration of the second half of the 19th century. The author comes to the conclusion about the use of similar methods of coercion used by administrative law in the 19th century, in the existing administrative law. The author uses the historical-synchronous and the historical-diachronic methods of studying of temporal changes in the essence of coercion used by administrative law in order to perform its protective functions. These methods are the necessary instruments for the disclosure of historical transformations of the research subject. The scientific novelty of the article lies in a better understanding of the need to study the historical and legal analysis of administrative law in Russia, not in the Western European countries, with the aim of enhancement of identity and independence of development of legal thought in Russia, as well as the possible "adaptation" of certain methods or their main ideas used in the development and the formation of administrative law enforcement functions in the implementation of the protective function of the administrative branch of law at the present time. The evaluation of Russian "own" experience of transformation of the protective function and methods of administrative law gives "food for thought" about the importance of the former and the existing functions and methods of law. In the context of relevance the author reveals the importance of administrative-legal methods of coercion as a means of the adequate development of state and society.


exile, compulsory attendance, confiscation, coercion, protective function, functions of administrative law, administrative law, prohibition of departure, arrest, banishment

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