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Administrative and municipal law

Kilesso M.A. Subjects executing public control over the activities of local governments in Russia

Abstract: The object of the research is public control over the activities of local governments and their officials in the Russian Federation.The subject of the research is the revelation of subjects of public control.The aim of the research is to determine the range of subjects executing public control over local governments in Russia. Achievement of the above mentioned purpose predetermined the statement and the solution of the following tasks: 1. to define the list of subjects listed in the Federal Law «On the foundations of public control in the Russian Federation»; 2. to analyze the possible legal faults in the Federal Law «On the foundations of public control in the Russian Federation»; 3. to analyze the scientific works in the sphere of research; 4. to classify the subjects; 5. to develop the suggestions to supplement the norms of the Federal Law «On the foundations of public control in the Russian Federation».The methodology of the research is based on the dialectical method of scientific cognition. The research also uses the general scientific methods, and other methods (the formal - logical, the comparative - legal, the system - structural).The result of the research reveales the range of subjects which can exercise public control over the activities of local governments in Russia. The author reveals the legislative faults of legal and technical nature in the Federal Law of July 21, 2014 ¹ 212-FZ «On the bases of public control in the Russian Federation». The classification of the subjects of public control has been implemented. Thus the list of subjects can be supplemented by the subjects as: 1) citizens acting as public inspectors and public experts; 2) public associations, including trade unions; 3) nongovernmental noncommercial organizations; 4) persons working in the media. Consequently the conclusions of the research can serve as a bases for amending the Federal Law of July 21, 2014 ¹ 212-FZ «On the bases of public control in the Russian Federation».


classification of subjects, control, subjects, local self-government, local governments, public control, subjects of public control, control subjects, public experts, public inspector

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