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Software systems and computational methods
Golosovskiy M.S. (2015). Information and logical model of software development process. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 59–68.
Golosovskiy M.S. Information and logical model of software development processAbstract: The author studies the early stages of the software life cycle on the quality of which the quality of the result of software development essentially depends. An analysis of the experience of the practical application of the widely used waterfall (cascade), iterative and incremental models of software life cycle showed that they do not fully meet the needs of the practices. However, there is a possibility of the synthesis of a new model of the life cycle of software that combines all of these three models. The research methodology is based on the models of the software life cycle, structured systems analysis, software engineering, and information and logical modeling. The main conclusions of the study lies in the model of the software life cycle (for the stage of its development), presented in notation UML-diagrams, which consists of the stages of initiation of development, setting the increment, execution of the increment and completion of the development. Practical implementation of the developed model provides a reduction in the time required for software development and preparing the necessary project documentation. Keywords: life cycle stages, structured systems analysis, software development, life cycle model, information and logical modeling, software engineering, program life cycle, software, software tools, system engineering
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