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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Akopyan O.A. New Trends in Regulation of Banking Sectors in the USA

Abstract: The subject of the present research is the issues and trends of state regulation of the banking sector in the United States. Particular attention is paid to the new legislative changes in the US banking legislation, the creation of new institutions in the financial sphere, as well as changes in attitudes of the regulation of the US financial sector as a whole. The problems in the regulation of mergers and acquisitions in the banking sector are considered. This article describes a number of new programs aimed at regulating the banking sector, developed jointly by the Federal Reserve System and the US Treasury Department. The methodological basis of the study are the dialectical method of scientific knowledge, and scientific and special methods: system-structural, comparative, logic, observation, description, statistical. Also the method of documentary analysis, the method of abstraction and generalization are used. The main trend in the regulation of the banking sector and the entire US financial sector as a whole marks a transition from a period of progressive liberalization, based on the theory of self-regulating markets that can come to an equilibrium and ensure the most efficient allocation of resources with minimal interference of the state, to realization of the need for restrictions on the freedom of the market by expanding the powers of the regulatory authorities.


bank, finance, investment, the US, Federal Reserve System, reform, crisis, trends, institutions, government regulation.

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