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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Kapustin A.Ya. International Legal Dimension of Space and Time

Abstract: The article considers the spatial and temporal characteristics of international law that characterize international law as a social normative regulator of interstate relations. Wherein the effect of international law in the space is analyzed taking into account the category of the object sphere of international law and its relation to the categories of "spatial" or "territorial" scope of international law. In addition, the article examines the current practice of international legal regulation of the use of the concepts of "territory" and "space" not only in terms of the quality characteristics of existing norms of international law, but also as a specific subject of international legal relations. For these purposes, an analysis of the concept of territory and its separate parts, formed in the doctrine and practice of international law, as well as in the national legislation of Russia. Along with this the examples of sustainable use of the term "space" in relation to individual objects of international legal regulation (air space, outer space, and others.), as well as a new phenomenon in international law – international legal integration spaces (a common economic space) are considered. Considering the various meanings of the term "space" a new term "inner space", which refers to the normative content of the scope of international law or the substantive scope of international law is introduced. In this regard, it is noted that the historical progress of international law was accompanied by a steady expansion of its internal borders. The international legal temporary development which is subject to the same social changes that can be observed in other social processes or systems is analyzed.


international law, international relations, social normative regulator, spatial and territorial scope of international law, international legal development of time dimension.

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