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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Postnikov A.E., Andrichenko L.V. Modeling of Laws of the Subject of the Russian Federation in the Sphere of Protection of Population and Territories from Emergency Situat

Abstract: The Institute of legislation and comparative law under the Government of the Russian Federation has conducted a study of the legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the sphere of protection of population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies. The analysis of the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation concerning rescue services of the subjects of the Russian Federation and protection of population and territories of the subject of the Russian Federation from natural and man-made emergencies showed that these laws have largely typical defects. The most typical of them are unjustifiable succinctness of regulation or duplication of the provisions of federal laws, at the same time, many of the powers of subjects of the Russian Federation in this sphere are insufficiently determined. Taking into account the results of the conducted study the presented model laws of the subject of the Russian Federation were prepared. The methodological basis of this article constitute a specially-legal (comparative legal, legalistic, and others), as well as scientific methods of research. Legislative bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation have to consider the model law as the recommendation stipulated by the regulatory language which can be used in the improvement of laws of subjects of the Russian Federation. Therefore it should be noted that when model laws refer to the concrete terms, quantitative indices which are directly not provided by the federal legislation (for example, the regulation of additional social guarantees to rescuers), they have to be discussed taking into account specific conditions of the appropriate subject of the Russian Federation. In some cases in the model law some variants of the normative regulation of certain issues are offered.


model act, public authorities, emergency, emergency rescue service, the status of the rescuers, the subject of the Russian Federation, the act, separation of powers, local governments, critical facilities.

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