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International relations
Bocharnikov I.V. (2015). The Russian Caucasus Front of World War I . International relations, 2, 248–255.
Bocharnikov I.V. The Russian Caucasus Front of World War IAbstract: The article presents the analysis of fighting on the Caucasus Front during World War I. The author analyzes the most significant operations held by the Caucasian Army under the command of Yudenich, the conditions and factors which determined their success. The article defines the reasons of the Caucasian front disintegration and Russia’s withdrawal from the war. The European theatre is considered to be the main theatre of the First World War due to the bitterest strife, but it was far from being the only one. The methodology of the research is based on the system, structural-functional, comparative-historical, comparative-political, geopolitical and cultural-civilizational approaches, and the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction. The First World War fighting had gone far beyond the borders of the European continent and defined other theatres of war. One of those theatres was the Middle East theatre and the Russian Caucasus Front where it fought against the Ottoman Empire. Keywords: international relations, foreign policy, the World War I, Caucasus Front, the Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the Entente, conflict, Yudenich, the straits.
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