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International relations

Semchenkov A.S. System destabilization of modern states

Abstract: System destabilization of states is a phenomenon of contemporary domestic and world politics, which consists of the destruction of the former political systems of national level through the social and cultural, the information, economic, financial, organizational and administrative, the diplomatic, military and other means, and the following radical changes of these states. The article considers the origins and the development of the concepts which characterize the technologies of system destabilization of modern national states, both federative and unitary ones: guided chaos, network war, effect attainment operations, preemptive war, geopolitical operation. Taking into account the content of these concepts and the peculiarities of the world political practice, the author formulates the algorithm of system destabilization, which includes several stages: the latent stage, the stage of tension escalation inside the country and on the international level, and the destruction of the state-object of chaotization. The author defines the main factors of the stability of the state suffering from system destabilization. Taking into consideration the content and the peculiarities of the system destabilization dynamics, the author formulates the algorithm of measures and activities aimed at non-admission of modern states chaotization.


international relations, foreign policy, state, destabilization, guided chaos, network war, preemptive war, interests, security, geopolitical operation

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