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International relations

Charkovska E. Central Asia – cooperation and rivalry axis in the Russian-Chinese relations

Abstract: The cooperation potential of the relations between two great powers (especially having a common border) is significantly smaller than the potential of rivalry because of the existing objective conflicts between them. The immanent feature of the great powers’ foreign policy is an aspiration for strengthening of their influence in the world; therefore, they pay special attention to the regions which are important for their strategic interests realization. The author of this research attempts to describe the problem of cooperation and rivalry between Moscow and Beijing, which is of a big importance both for the alignment of forces in the region, and for the Russian-Chinese relations. Nowadays the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China demonstrate “strategic partnership” in their relations, but the potential and real elements of tension have not disappeared, and the probability of conflicts between them is directly proportional to the process of Russia’s role weakening in the region and the permanently strengthening position of China in Central Asia. The Russian-Chinese cooperation and rivalry exist in several spheres – security, economics, politics, and the social-cultural sphere. In all these spheres Moscow and Beijing are united by strong connections with the region both in bilateral and multilateral dimensions. Russia and China pay special attention to the security and economic and energy cooperation. The article analyzes the model of cooperation and rivalry in the Russian-Chinese relations in the region in these two dimensions.


international relations, foreign policy, China, Russia, Central Asia, cooperation, rivalry, national security, interests, energy cooperation.

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