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International relations
Khauer-Tyukarkina O.M. (2015). The EU Crisis: how Germany saves the project of the untited Europe?. International relations, 2, 155–161.
Khauer-Tyukarkina O.M. The EU Crisis: how Germany saves the project of the untited Europe?Abstract: The modern economic crisis of the Eurozone has become one of the hardest challenges for the EU, threatening the EU existence and dividing the European countries into Euro-optimists and Euro-pessimists. The article considers the Germany’s role in the EU’s positions of a key actor on the international arena strengthening, analyzes two projects initiated in Germany in order to support the United Europe project, and evaluates the perspectives of image projects in the EU member-states aimed at restoration of the EU reputation in crisis conditions. The author uses the system analysis of image campaigns, realized in Germany for the support of the EU. The author uses interdisciplinary approach to the study of the problem (international relations, imageology, and marketing communications). The originality of the research is based on interpretation of the following aspects: the evaluation of Germany’s role in the strengthening of the EU’s positions as a key actor on the international arena; the system analysis of anti-crisis image campaigns realized in Germany; the evaluation of efficiency of the campaigns “I Want Europe”, “Europe is Us”; the evaluation of the perspectives of image projects in the EU member-states, aimed at the restoration of the EU reputation in the crisis conditions. Keywords: the European Union, the Eurozone crisis, economic crisis, state image, image campaign, the EU image, Germany, the FRG, I Want Europe, Europe is Us.
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