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Financial Law and Management

Terekhova E.V. The Mineral Resource Complex: Challenges and Solutions (Financial and Legal Characteristics of the Investment Model)

Abstract: The study discusses the organizational and legal as well as investment issues through the case study of the mineral resource complex of Russia. To improve the investment climate and country’s potential, the author puts forward the concept of the universal investment model designed to develop and implement public investment projects. The work provides a comprehensive financial and legal analysis of the investment model elements (innovation and institutional subsystem, credit and financial subsystem and subsystem for state support of investment activities). The paper gives the author’s definition of the investment model. The study uses general and specific methods of scientific knowledge (analysis, synthesis, deduction, analogy, generalization, comparative law as well as dialectical, formal-logical, formal and legal methods). It is concluded that extrapolating elements of the universal investment model on state investment projects results in a complex effect in the development of investment activities in the country. The suggested approach will allow developing and implementing long-term public investment projects, identify the priorities for the state projects and improve the efficiency of ongoing projects.  


minerals extraction tax, Investment Development Agency, credit and financial subsystem, innovation and institutional subsystem, mineral resource sector, investment model, minerals, investment projects, state support, investment climate

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