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Administrative and municipal law

Beketov O.I. Review of the monograph "Administrative jurisdiction in the financial sphere" / Edited by M.A. Lapina. - M.: Paleotip, 271 p.

Abstract: The subject of the review contains the legal and organizational problems of administrative jurisdiction in the financial sector. The object of the review contains public relations arising in the implementation of administrative and jurisdictional activity in the financial sector. Suitable circumstance led to a tendency to "exit" from the field of legal regulation of the Administrative Code of sanctions for violations in the financial sector. The review concluded that the beginning of the relevant area was laid in the Tax Code, Part 1 which contains a large number of offenses, duplicating similar, in fact, components of crimes set out in the Code of Administrative Offences.The methodology of the review is based on the modern achievements of epistemology. The study used the general philosophical, theoretical methods (dialectics, systematic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation), the traditional legal methods and the techniques used in empirical sociological research.The review concluded that the monograph is a research of high quality which provides a comprehensive solution of actual legal problems due to the conceptual justification of administrative and jurisdictional relationships in the financial sector, performed at a high scientific and theoretical and methodological levels, is an organic combination of innovative doctrinal and applied concepts of administrative jurisdiction and may be used for research in the science of administrative law and procedure.


market, process, enforcement, collection, bank, tax, jurisdiction, finance, budget, regulation

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