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Administrative and municipal law

Admiralova I.A. Theory and methodology of administrative activities of the police in the sphere of citizens’ rights and freedoms provision

Abstract: The article studies the problems of citizens’ rights and freedoms provision by means of administrative-legal mechanism of the police’s activities. Attention is paid to the constructive components of the methodological approach to the provision of citizens’ rights and freedoms in the police’s activities. The article considers the main stages of development of a theory, connected with the provision of citizens’ rights and freedoms in the activities of the Internal Affairs bodies (the police); on the base of the research the author suggests the amendments to the existing legislation which can improve the work of public authorities’ and the Internal Affairs bodies (the police). The methodology of the research is based on the up-to-date achievements of epistemology. The author uses the general philosophical and theoretical methods, dialectics, the system method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling, the traditional juridical methods (formal-logical), and the methods used in the specific sociological research (the statistical methods, expert evaluations, etc.). The results of the research can be used in the analysis of the genesis of development of the theory connected with the provision of citizens’ rights and freedoms in the administrative activities of the bodies of Internal Affairs (the police). The consideration of some problems of the provision of citizens’ rights and freedoms in the administrative activities of the bodies of Internal Affairs gives the opportunity to pay attention to the fact that the administrative-legal instruments can’t be effectively used without the application of intersectoral approach, particularly if it concerns the problem under consideration. 


methodology, rights, freedoms, police, provision, guard, protection, standard, police officer, means

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