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Philosophy and Culture

Sorokina, T. M. Preconditions of Formation of Modern Cities in Western Europe: Brief Review of City Planning Concepts Since Renaissance Till the 20th Century

Abstract: The article is devoted to the main city planning concepts since the Renaissance till the 20th century (on the example of works of such architects and public officials as Andrea Palladio, Leon Battista Alberti, Vincenzo Scamozzi, Domenico Fontana, Carlo Maderna, Claude Nicolas Ledoux, François Mansard, Baron Haussmann, etc.) which had an impact on the formation of modern cities of Western Europe such as Rome, Paris and London. In order to understand the preconditions of formation of modern cities of Western Europe it is necessary to address to the history of the urban development theory and to highlight the most important and significant phenomena of theoretical thinking, not only in the chronological way, but also according to the logic of development of urban planning ideas, many of which have emerged at the dawn of the formation of urban civilization and confirmed the ability for many centuries to come again and again, each time regenerating at a new higher level. The importance of urban studies is defined as the fundamental theoretical issues of academic science and tasks set by the scientific-applied analysis of modern social and cultural processes and practices. Under the conditions of contemporary culture distinguished by the diversity, it is growing especially important to find the ways and principles of building of the cultural space at all numerous levels. A contemporary city planner again faces the problem of creation of comfortable living conditions for citizens and preservation of their historical heritage.


city planning concepts, philosophy of architecture, Andrea Palladio, Leon Battista Alberti, Vincenzo Scamozzi, Domenico Fontana, Carlo Maderna, Claude Nicolas Ledoux, François Mansard, Baron Haussmann.

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