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Scientific notes of the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music

Christoph Flamm Esthetical views of Nikolai Medtner. Protecting the unwritten laws: «The Muse and the Fashion» (chapter from the book «Russian composer Nikolai Medtner» (translated by Maria Mokhova and Ruslan Razgouliaev)

Abstract: Christoph Flamm has released a fundamental scholarly work «Russian Composer Nikolai Medtner. Research and materials» in Berlin in 1995. Until now this is the best foreign book on Medtner. In the present paper the author is presenting Medtner’s book «The Muse and the Fashion» putting it into the broad context of esthetical ideas from early antique philosophers to German idealists. The scope of issues presented is very broad: Medtner’s literary writing, the story of «The Muse and the Fashion»’s creation as well as putting together Medtner’s literary and musical works. The narration is very intense and exceptional especially having in mind the deficiencies of Russian musicological research on Medtner. The translation is made in collaboration with the author and includes some corrections as compared with the first publication where some details need to be reconsidered.


N.K. Medtner, «The Muse and the Fashion», Russian musical esthetics of the XXth century.

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