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Skorokhodova, T. G. (2015). Spiritual Searches by Indian Intellectuals
and Universalization of Hinduism. Culture and Art, 2, 122–132.
Skorokhodova, T. G. Spiritual Searches by Indian Intellectuals and Universalization of HinduismAbstract: The process of Hinduism’s universalization is depicted in the article as re-interpretation of Hindu tradition by intellectuals of the Indian Renaissance XIX– early XXth century. The author considers the interpretations by Rammohun Roy and his Brahmo Samaj, Prarthana Samaj, Swami Dayananda and his Arya Samaj, and also by Neo-Hindu thinkers Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay, Swami Vivekananda and Bal Gangadhar Tilak, as different variants of answers to key questions of spiritual and intellectual searches for real essence of Hinduism. Based on the phenomenological approach, the process is represented as the dialogue between Hinduism and other religious –first of all, Christianity and Islam – and creation of a concrete image of Hinduism as universal religion in Indian intellectuals’ minds. The variants of the interpretations underlie the religious movements – reformist and neo-Hinduist. The author suggests that in Bengal, Maharashtra and Punjab intellectual universalization of Hinduism had helped to ground the world status of the religion. The universalization had two variants. The first one was a negative universalization from sharp critics of religious forms to grounding high monotheism and humanist ethics. The second one was a positive universalization based on accepting of all worship forms as different paths to Divine Absolute. Hinduism was symbolically depicted by intellectuals as a universal world religion, the repository of highest truth for all humanity. Keywords: World religion, Indian spiritual culture, Hinduism, the Indian Renaissance, universalization of creed, reformation, reformist societies, neo-Hinduism, universal spiritual meanings, image of Hinduism.
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