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Conflict Studies / nota bene
Boyarkina O.A. (2015). Theoretical aspects researching of international conflicts around bodies of water. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 1, 65–77.
Boyarkina O.A. Theoretical aspects researching of international conflicts around bodies of waterAbstract: The subject of this research are international conflicts on border rivers. Forms, methods and tools of international water-based conflict resolution are being studied in this article. For this purpose, it is necessary to distill the defining traits of such conflict, the major factors for its emergence, and to define types of conflicts in which water resources play the role of political leverage, as well as military and economic assets for reaching goals aligned with national interests. Precedents of successful international dispute resolutions that involve joint use of bordering water resources are present. The methods of this research involve methodology used to study international water-based conflicts: content analysis, factor analysis, system methods, as well as crossdiscipline approach. Joint water basin usage regime for bodies of water adjacent to two or more states often become a source of tension and aggravation of international disputes. The author reaches a conclusion that, due to hydrological and geographical particularities, each conflict is unique, and each single instance requires an individual approach. Keywords: international water conflict, bordering water resources, international relations, water deficiency, international security, national interests, political realism, international water Law, territorial sovereignty concept, fight for resources.
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