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Police activity
Khokhlov E.E. (2015). A soldier on a narcofront: preventive look and criminological aspect. Police activity, 1, 5–15.
Khokhlov E.E. A soldier on a narcofront: preventive look and criminological aspectAbstract: The Subject of the article contains the legal and organizational problems of activity of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation aimed at prevention of offences in the sphere of illegal drugs and psychotropic substances trafficking. The object of the article is a range of public relations in the sphere of offenses connected with the prevention of illegal drugs and psychotropic substances trafficking. The author of article pays special attention to the forms and methods of activity of commanders and chiefs of all extents of military formations and divisions, junior commanders, foremen of divisions, and most importantly – ordinary soldiers of the Russian Armed Forces. Special attention is paid to the theory of a narcoperspective. The methodological basis of article contains the modern achievements of the theory of knowledge of antisocial phenomenon in all spheres of activity. The author used the general philosophical, theoretical, statistical methods (dialectics, the system method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, supervision, comparison), the traditional legal methods, and also the methods used in concrete and sociological researches and supervision were applied. The main conclusions concern the improvement of the existing anti-narcotic legislation. The novelty of the article lies in the complex assessment of “The military anti-narcotic concept” fulfillment from various viewpoints. The author proves the necessity of the system method application in the sphere of prevention of crimes and administrative offences against public health and morality. The special contribution of the article is that it analyzes and structures the legislative aspects of fundamental activities in the sphere of illegal drugs trafficking prevention and combating. The author concludes that the achievement of noticeable result in providing law and order, suppression of drug addiction in the army environment, and prevention of drugs and psychotropic substances consumption by defenders of the Fatherland is possible in a result of a conscious approach when performing preventive actions individually and in interrelation with chiefs and commanders. Keywords: Army environment, serviceman, Armed Forces of the RF, anti-narcotic legislation, military anti-narcotic concept, Drug addiction, bravery, heroism, love, Homeland
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