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Administrative and municipal law
Filatova E.V. (2015). The enhancement of mechanism of normative legal acts in banking expertise. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 114–119.
Filatova E.V. The enhancement of mechanism of normative legal acts in banking expertiseAbstract: The problem of normative legal acts improvement is urgent for every sphere of a modern law-making. It entirely concerns the regulation of Russian lending organizations. One of key ways of this problem solution is the enhancement of expertise of legal and normative acts projects. At the same time the types of normative legal acts expertise which are being used today, are solely the kinds of a state expertise. In relation to bank legislation, in our opinion, they should be supplemented with a very important institution of a public expertise. In this article the author uses the institutional approach to the analysis of a public expertise essence. Within the limits of this approach the author uses the methods of the comparative, structural, and system analysis. The author concludes that the most proficient institutes which are able to carry out the public expertise of normative legal acts in the bank sphere are the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation and the Interregional Banking Board at the Council of Federation of the Russian Federation. The author formulates the set of proposals for development of the institute of pubic expertise of normative legal acts in the bank sphere. Keywords: legal expertise, bank legislation, public expertise, the Central Bank, expertise mechanism, normative legal acts, lending organizations, subjects of economic activity, legal regulation, the quality of legal regulations.
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