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Administrative and municipal law

Bakhtina M.S. On the issue of the principles of anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts and their projects

Abstract: The article considers the basic principles of anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts, their essence and the problems of application. The article analyzes the difficulties with specification of education and competency requirements of the professionals carrying out the anti-corruption expertise of legal acts, and evaluation of a normative legal act in its connection with other normative acts. The author considers the requirement of sufficiency, objectivity and verifiability of anti-corruption expertise results. The article raises a problem of possibility of cooperation between independent experts and public authorities during anti-corruption expertise carrying out. The article studies the problems of application of anti-corruption expertise principles application, and offers the ways of solution. The author uses the method of textual analysis of legislative enactments, the dialectical-materialistic method of scientific cognition, the methods of social-legal research (the comparative legal method), and the formal logical method. The author concludes that the principles of anti-corruption expertise should regulate anti-corruption expertise carrying out, set the frameworks and the character of functioning for the developers of normative acts and the experts. The conclusions made will facilitate the development of anti-corruption policy.


anti-corruption expertise, normative legal acts, principles of carrying out, obligatoriness, sufficiency, objectivity, verifiability, independent experts, cooperation, bodies of executive power.

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