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Administrative and municipal law
Belova M.A., Rustamov N.E. (2015). Legal measures of combating extremism according to Russian law. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 97–102.
Belova M.A., Rustamov N.E. Legal measures of combating extremism according to Russian lawAbstract: The article is devoted to the study of extremist motives as a constructive feature of the offences against the person. The authors suggest enhancement of the legislation and qualification of these offences. There is no common approach in the juridical practice to understanding of terms “hostility” and “hatred”, though the authors note that these terms are used in Russian legislation as synonyms. “Hostility” is usually defined in the Russian language as relationships and actions full of aversion, hatred – the filling of a strong hostility, anger. The authors prove that the notion “hostility” is broader that the notion “hatred” and includes some other feelings. In their research work the authors used the complex of the general scientific and special methods of social and legal reality cognition. The methodological base includes the dialectic method with its distinctive requirements of objectivity, universality, historicity, objectivity of truth. Among the general scientific methods the authors used the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, and measurement. As a special scientific method the authors used the comparative legal method. The originality of the research is based on the attempt to reveal the essence of the notion “social group”, the absence of which complicates law-enforcement and impedes practice unification. A high social danger of homicide motivated by hostility or hatred for a social group occurs only if a social group which a victim belongs to is united by national, racial or religious features. Keywords: extremism, terrorism, prevention, combating, violence, law, Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, punishment, influence, coercion.
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