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Taxes and Taxation

Irina V. Gashenko Tax Regulation of Agribusiness in Russia: Essence, Principles and Peculiarities

Abstract: The study investigates into economic relations arising in the process of taxation of agricultural producers. The object of study is the tax regulation of agricultural enterprises. The development of agro-industrial complex — the backbone of the economy — is one of the state policy priorities to ensure food security and promote rural development. These factors show that to develop agricultural sectors there is a need to enhance indirect methods of the state influence including tax tools. However, the existing tax regulation in agribusiness fails to adequately implement all the functions assigned to it and does not take into consideration the peculiarities of agricultural industry. Methodologically, the research is based on fundamental concepts described in the works of Russian and foreign scholars, legislative and regulatory acts of public authorities, federal laws, decrees of the President and the RF Government Regulations, materials of scientific conferences addressing issues of agricultural producers’ taxation. The research applies abstract logic, monographic, statistical and economic methods as well as other methods of economic research. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that it gives the author’s own definition of “tax regulation”. In the author’s view “tax regulation” implies that the state should create an enabling environment for sustainable business development in the agricultural sector, reduce the overall level of taxation, and establish various special tax benefits thereby increasing investment and economic attractiveness of the industry. Also, the study identifies and substantiates the basic principles of tax regulation in the agricultural sector.


taxation, agribusiness, tax regulation, agricultural producer, tax benefits, taxation principles, agricultural tax, the tax burden, tax policy, tax functions.

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