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Trends and management
N.V. Dolgova (2015). Professional role expectations at the base of public servant’s success. Trends and management, 1, 44–51.
N.V. Dolgova Professional role expectations at the base of public servant’s successAbstract: This article examines the influence of social ideas around a profession that influence professional success. Public servants of varying positions are the subject of this research. Why some public servants are successful in their line of work, while others don’t achieve as much, if anything at all; how aware are the public servants of the system of professional requirements tied to their professional function; those questions, among others, have lead us to researching the structure of role expectations for public servants. The authors employed role analysis, which is seldom used in modern research practice (A. Kudashev, T. Lister, M. Loydt, M. Nuya, A.I. Solovyev), and does not reach upon the psychological mechanisms of public servant’s role expectations. The reconstruction of existing cognitive structures of collective consciousness that mediate professional-role expectations of public servants was the goal of the empirical analysis conducted by the author, who also performed an analytical expert evaluation, aimed at producing intellectual constructs that would allow the subjects (public servants of varying professional categories, experience and success) to be scaled across a multitude of criteria (elements). Keywords: administration, trends, command roles, field of expectations, social expectations, semantic differential, success, values, conflict, security
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