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Taxes and Taxation
D. A. Balaeva
The Setting up of Special Economic Zones (SEZs)
in Border Regions of the Russian Federation
// Taxes and Taxation.
2014. ¹ 12.
P. 1092-1096.
D. A. Balaeva The Setting up of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Border Regions of the Russian FederationAbstract: The research focuses on the need to create special economic zones in border regions of the Russian Federation. The border areas are particularly important for any country as they play a key role in foreign policy, national security and international relations. The author considers such issues as the sharp increase in the value of border areas that serve as zones of contact with the outside world in the context of liberalization of foreign trade activities and the need to establish on their territories of special economic zones. Historically, in Russia the entire zone of border areas is less dynamic and more depressed than similar territories in other parts of the country. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the emergence of new border areas in Russia further aggravated the situation. Taking the above into account, the paper pays special attention to the mechanism of crediting customs duties for the purpose of economic growth in these areas. The research methods applied in the work on the establishment of SEZs in border regions of the Russian Federation involve analysis and synthesis. The author’s contribution to research in this field has been the development of the concept of establishing of special economic zones in border regions of Russia, and as a result, the social and economic development of the RF subjects adjacent to the RF state border by the proportional allocation of customs duties, the preservation and development of the productive forces, development of natural resources, attracting Russian and foreign investment, and thus reducing the social and economic asymmetries of the RF subjects. The above-mentioned findings and suggestions constitute the novelty and significance of the research. Keywords: border areas, special economic zones, economic potential, border of the Russian Federation, economic development, geopolitical significance, national economy, border region, subjects of the Russian Federation, stimulating factor.
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