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Philosophy and Culture

Ursul, A. D. The Phenomenon of the Noosphere: Evolutionary Approach and Global Measurements

Abstract: In his article Ursul develops a single evolutionary information concept of the noosphere formation not only as a planetary phenomenon but also as a necessary stage of the universal process of self-organization of the matter. Ursul views the sphere of mind as a would-be but not actual future of the society and interaction between the society and nature where the global human intelligence will be the priority leading the socio-natural evolution in a safe and progressive direction. Ursul describes the process of the humankind moving towards a sustainable development, information content of the phenomenon of noosphere and formation of the core of the phenomenon, the collective noospheric intelligence. Ursul underlines that Vladimir Vernadsky developed his teaching about the noosphere based on the concept which unites globalism and the ideas of the noosphere formation into one integrated world view. Ursul views noospherogenesis as the main method and form of the human survival and the main goal of the contemporary and future civilization development including the transfer to the global sustainability, creation of the information-based civilization, globalization and other positive processes of the global development. The researcher also analyzes the new mega-trends of noospherogenesis in science, education, culture and governance considering the achievements of contemporary researches and predicated prospects of the future evolution of the world civilization. In his research Ursul has used the evolutionary (mostly universal evolutionary) approach and methods of global researches as well as the information-based approach and development criterion. The researcher also shows that within the framework of the research of the future, noospheric-futurological approach may dramatically change traditional approaches and research methods. Ursul also offers an opinion that the humankind also starts to turn into a single integrated civilization of the noosphere and this process is accompanied with the development of a totally new safe socio-natural and co-evolutionary mean of interaction. Ursul also talks about the social and socio-natural evolution creating opportunities for the development of the sphere of mind not only in the biosphere. As a future global process, noospherogenesis is a necessary step of the global evolution which, according to Ursul, will be realized in socio-natural and socio-cultural forms, first on Earth and then in the Universe.


global, global evolution, information, information criterion, culture, noosphere, noospherogenesis, noospheric intelligence, cephalization, evolutionary approach.

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