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International Law and International Organizations
Rericht A.A. (2015). Book review:
Jurisdictional Confl icts in Transnational Crimes.
Comparative Legal Research of International Law /
Edited by Arndt Zinn. Osnabrück:
University press, 2012. – 620 p. International Law and International Organizations, 1, 112–117.
Rericht A.A. Book review: Jurisdictional Confl icts in Transnational Crimes. Comparative Legal Research of International Law / Edited by Arndt Zinn. Osnabrück: University press, 2012. – 620 p.Abstract: This review analyzes the results of the research on the jurisdictional conf licts that emerge during investigations and trials of transnational acts of crime. It characterizes the aspects of the work of the territorial and other principles including legal process of extradition. Emphasis is made on the models that would be useful for regulation of the jurisdictional conf licts within the EU and other countries. The author demonstrates that the current acts of the European Parliament and the international conventions on the fight against transnational and organized crimes leave a lot of questions unaddressed with regards to resolution of competential conf licts pertaining to investigations of crimes and punishment of those who committed crimes across several countries. The book being reviewed analyzes international legal prerequisites of implementing the criminal law in the fight against transnational criminality; collisions of national criminal law; ability to resolve conf licts; constitutional foundations; aspects of the norms of criminal law; model projects of regulating the mechanism for resolving jurisdictional conf licts. Keywords: Convention, constitution, conf lict, jurisdiction, criminality, law, criminal law, criminal prosecution, trial.
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1. A.E. Zhalinnskiy. Sovremennoe nemetskoe ugolovnoe pravo. M.: Prospekt, 2004. – 560 s