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International Law and International Organizations

Alebastrova I.A. Transnational constitutionalism: internationalization of the constitution and constitutionalization of international law

Abstract: The main thesis of this article is the statement about the activation of the cooperation, interconnection, and cross-inf luence of the constitutional and international law at the present time. The author analyses the key directions of such cooperation and comes to the conclusion that one of its major factors is the social solidarity, and there is an urgent need to strengthen it on a global scale. The need for international solidarity is increased by the process of globalization as one of the indicative aspects of the postindustrial society; it is warranted by the fact that under the conditions of globalization the countries and nations become ever more interconnected and interdependent. It is mostly due to the fact that the development of international cooperation has gained the form of a transnational constitutionalism that such cooperation became very effective in the way of providing a lasting peaceful coexistence of the majority of humanity, elevation of the standard of living, including among developing countries, and advancement of humanity on the road to strengthening the rights and dignity of a person. Of course, the solution to these problems is yet to be fully worked out.


International law, constitutional law, social solidarity, internationalization of constitutional law, transnational constitutionalism, international collaboration, solidarity, national economy, globalization, interdependence.

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