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V.A. Chashnikov (2014). Anti-corruption education as the most effective and perspective way of combating corruption
in the bodies of Internal Affairs. Police activity, 6, 523–528.
V.A. Chashnikov Anti-corruption education as the most effective and perspective way of combating corruption in the bodies of Internal AffairsAbstract: The subject of the research is the means of combating corruption in the bodies of Internal Affairs. The subject of the research is anti-corruption education. The object of the research is the anti-corruption education, which consists of the gaining and the renewal of knowledge of the bodies’ of Internal Affairs personnel in the sphere of combating corruption, and the formation of the anticorruption code of conduct. The author considers the aspects which show that the effi ciency of anticorruption education in the system of the bodies of Internal Affairs will be successful only when the anti-corruption educational programs will be worked out for different categories of the Internal Affairs bodies’ personnel. The special attention is paid to the fact that within these programs should be studied not only the general questions of the state anti-corruption policy, the other states’ experience in corruption prevention and combating, and the relevant criminal legislation, but also the special measures and mechanisms of combating corruption. The author uses the general philosophical methods (dialectics, the system approach, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), the traditional juridical methods (formal logical), and the methods which are used in the special sociological research (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). The author comes to the conclusion that the measures which are being realized in the bodies of Internal Affairs, deal with the provision of data about the incomes, the expenditures, the property, and the property commitments. The author concludes that the informing of the employer representative by the Internal Affairs bodies’ personnel about the facts of inclinations to commit the delinquency of a corruption character, and the anti-corruption inspections contribute to the combating corruption work. The originality of the article consists in the fact that the anti-corruption education is the most effi cient and perspective way of combating corruption in the bodies of Internal Affairs. Keywords: Corruption, resistance, bodies of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs, education, income, expenditure, data, study, responsibility
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