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Police activity

A. A. Bezhentsev The executive activities directed at public order protection during the public events

Abstract: The maintenance of the appropriate level of public order provides the favorable conditions for the people’s lives, the maintenance of rights and interests of the citizens, and the economic activity realization. Thus every state is interested in public order protection, since the socio-economic development and the prosperity are impossible without it. The state involves different services in public order protection process; the special role is given to the Internal Affairs bodies, which possess the necessary range of administrative and legal tools for public order provision. The article researches the executive (the basic) stage of public order and security provision by the police during the public events, which starts with the police and the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation arrival to the place of the public event. The methodology of the research is based on the dialectical method and the system approach to the study of the legal phenomena. The author uses the methods of synthesis, modeling, prediction, the comparative legal method, the formal logical method, the specific historical method, the sociological and other general and specific methods of scientific cognition, which facilitate the realization of the cognitive interest and the achievement of the scientific goal. The theoretical importance of this research consists of the broadening of the ideas about the tactics and the theories of the tactical activity of the Internal Affairs bodies in the provision of public order during the political public events. The practical importance consists of the opportunity of using the research materials in the education of the Internal Affairs bodies’ personnel. In the article annex there is a modeled pattern of the plan-calculation of the police details arrangement for the provision of public order during a mass sport event.


Provision of security, strategical headquarters, plan-calculation, details of police, code of conduct observance, police forces management, police, mass event, law and order

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