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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Fedorova-Galbershtam, A. M. (2014). Intermodal Synthesis and Methods of Ideomotor Training in Music Performance. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 1335–1341.
Fedorova-Galbershtam, A. M. Intermodal Synthesis and Methods of Ideomotor Training in Music PerformanceAbstract: The topic under review of the present research article is the processes of intermodal synthesis in a professional activity of a musician. During their professional training, musicians acquire a wide range of difficult and fine psychological skills which the author of the article considers to be the main professional resources in music performance. These skills include, first of all, intermodal connections, such as those between sight and motion, hearing and motion, and sight and hearing. Based on the author of the article, the level of the development of these skills has a direct influence on success and creativity of a musician. Within the framework of research, the main resources shall mean a sophisticated system of the musician’s professional reflection as well as the process of ideomotion and intermodal synthesis as the basic mechanisms of creating the comprehensive experience of a musician and an image of a music piece thereupon. The present research is based on the methodology of the systems approach because the given methodology is rather universal and allows to analyze complex fields and disciplines. When studying the phenomena and objective laws of music performance, Fedorova-Galbershtam appeals to a complex multi-level and multi-component activity structure. The author has also used the methodological principle of holism. When talking about polymodality and synesthesiability of musical consciousness, Fedorova-Galbershtam is based on the idea of the initial integrity of the world image in the human mind. The novelty of the present article is in the author’s statements about intermodal synthesis as the basic psychological resource in music performance. The researcher offers a new approach to viewing a sophisticated system of the musician’s professional reflection in terms intermodal connections and ideomotor training. In the course of the research Fedorova- Galbershtam makes a conclusion about the essential role of audiomotor connections and productive hearing (acoustic) representations of the musician. The researcher also shows the relation between the level of the development of ideomotor skills, operational level of professional reflection and possibilities of creating an integral image of a music piece. Keywords: intermodal synthesis, ideomotion, music performance, synesthesia, reflection, musical consciousness, integral image, professionalism, skills, hearing representations.
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