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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Zhirtueva, N. S. (2014). The Basic Areas of Research of the Mysticism Phenomenon in Modern Science. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 1325–1334.
Zhirtueva, N. S. The Basic Areas of Research of the Mysticism Phenomenon in Modern ScienceAbstract: The article is devoted to the basic areas of scientific research of the mysticism phenomenon. The growing interest towards mystical teachings in the 20th century can be explained by the spiritual and cultural crisis and attempts to overcome it. Comparative religious studies and phenomenology of religion view mysticism as a complex phenomenon where the universal beginning combines with individual features of mystical traditions of the world. The present research of mysticism as a phenomenon has the following objectives: to study 1) the essence of mysticism; 2) universal features of mysticism; 3) individual features of mysticism in mystical traditions of the world; 4. the essence of the phenomenon of pseudo-mysticism in modern culture. The research methodology is the comparative religious studies. Zhirtueva has also used such research methods as the comparative-analytical method, individualization and generalization. She defines mysticism as the illusion of human mind and a essential core of religion. The universal beginning of mysticism is the striving for getting ‘united’ with the Absolute reality where egocentric consciousness is overcome as a result. Individual features of the world mystical traditions depend on the solutions of the issues regarding the essence of the Absolute and the balance between the material and ideal existence as well as methods of mystical psycho-practice. Unlike trans-egocentric mystical practices, pseudo-mystical teachings only try to satisfy the exaggerated human Ego. Keywords: mysticism, mystical tradition, Absolute, universal features, individual features, pseudo-mysticism, egocentric consciousness, enlightened consciousness, psycho-practice, mystical experience.
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