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International relations
V. V. Spiridonov (2015). Economical approach to the reasons of the political conflict in Libya analysis. International relations, 1, 109–116.
V. V. Spiridonov Economical approach to the reasons of the political conflict in Libya analysisAbstract: In the late 2010 – the early 2011 the waves of protest spread in the countries of the Arab world, which had been caused by, at first sight, different reasons, but were directed against the ruling elites. In 2011 in Libya the political crisis dramatically worsened, being complicated by the American and the European military interference. The confrontation in Libya resulted in the overthrow of Gaddafi and consequently the dramatic economic decline, which developed in the collapse of the state. This article reviews and analyzes the factors of inner and external economic development, and the results of Libyan foreign trade. The analysis of the economic parameters, such as the budget structure, the balance of trade, the financial condition from the point of view of monetary structure, correlation of foreign and internal assets, reserves, capital movement vectors of Libya, gives the opportunity to reveal the interrelation between their dynamics and a potential threat to the state stability. Keywords: international relations, foreign policy, the USA, Libya, economics, conflict, Gaddafi, finances, budget, national interests.
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