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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Levonenkova T.V. Review of Work of the Scientific-Practical Conference "State Authorities and Local Bodies in Prevention and Liquidation of Emergency"

Abstract: Information review of scientific conference dedicated to the ways of management system and legal regulation in the sphere of civil defense and human and territorial protection from nature disasters and industrial emergency perfection. The aspects of national defense warranties, protection of nation and citizens and also aspects of law-enforcement practice on realization of state authorities and local bodies’ competence were revealed. The dispute on modern measures on increasing of state capacity to confront internal and external threats is represented. Methodological basis of the review is composed of complex of methods of scientific cognition such as: dialectic method, analysis, synthesis, abstraction and concretization, comparative legal method, method of legal models, system interpretation of legal regulations method. The recommendations on future perfection of legal regulation and law-enforcement practice in the sphere of civil defense and human and territorial protection from nature disasters and industrial emergencies are represented as a result of the scientific conference.


emergency, human safety, civil defense, disaster response, state authorities, state authorities’ competence, effectiveness of state authorities, critical infrastructure, hazardous facility, law-enforcement monitoring.

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