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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Chuyko N.A. Influence of the World Trade Organization Law on Regulation of Food Safety in the Russian Federation

Abstract: The rules of WTO law regulating the international trade have serious impact almost on all economic and legal spheres of its member states. As a result the member states change and supplement their domestic legislation, unifying and harmonizing it. Complexity of WTO law system intensifies by the number of references to the other international documents including the standards of Codex Alimentarius Commission. Furthermore, the dispute settlement mechanism has quite an important role. This creates prerequisites for new development in legal regulation of food safety issues. On the one hand, the WTO is transforming into a more progressive organization from the point of understanding the influence of the international trade to food safety. On the other hand, the author shows the weaknesses of legal regulation in this sphere and proposes additional measures required both at international and national level to ensure the appropriate food safety in the conditions of Russia´s membership in the WTO.


Food safety, non-tariff barriers, SPS Agreement, Codex Alimentarius Commission, SPS measures, WTO law, national law, dispute settlement, World Trade Organization, international standards.

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