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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Kichigin N.V. Legal Regulation in the Sphere of Waste Management in the Czech Republic and the Russian Federation

Abstract: The aim of the paper is to identify the shortcomings of the national legislation in the sphere of production and consumption waste and preparation of proposals to improve it on the basis of comparative legal analysis of the legislation of the Czech Republic and the Russian Federation. The subject of this paper consists of law, legal literature, law enforcement in the field of waste management in the Czech Republic and the Russian Federation. The result of the paper is materials of comparative legal analysis of the legislation of the Czech Republic and the laws of the Russian Federation in the field of waste management, containing the following conclusions. Analysis of the national legislation of the Russian Federation and the Czech Republic in the field of waste management indicates that in this area are used similar legal mechanisms in both countries. But there are significant differences in the approaches to legal regulation, for example, their flexibility and differentiation, as well as in the degree of detail, details of a legal regulation. The paper examines the concept of "waste" and their classification in the legislation of the Czech Republic and the Russian Federation, compares the basic tools of legal regulation in the field of waste management in the Czech Republic (catalog of waste, special regime for hazardous waste, legal duties, licenses and certificates, manager of waste management, waste management plans, economic means, the requirements on the liquidation of waste disposal facilities, special rules for the export, import and transit of waste, requirements for record keeping and reporting, sanctions) with those in the Russian Federation. On the base of conducted analysis are prepared suggestions on improving the legislation of the Russian Federation, for example, in regard to the implementation of regional and municipal plans for waste management, the establishment of financial assets to ensure the conservation and liquidation of waste disposal facilities. Scope of results is legal regulation and state and municipal administration in the field of waste management.


Waste; waste management; environmental legislation of Czech Republic; environmental legislation of R

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