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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Arslanov K.M. Influence of German and French Legal Experience on Development of Modern Russian Legislation

Abstract: The article is devoted to the main trends of Western Europe (French and German) legislation influence on codification of the Russian civil legislation in 90th. The analysis is made on the basis of separate institutes of French, German and Anglo-sax law, such as the institutes of rent, legal entity, legal competence of minors, confidential management, agent’s services and so on. The author made a conclusion on necessity of prudent approach to the influence of foreign legal experience according to the Russian legal traditions. The methods of comparative jurisprudence and historical analysis are used by the author in the article. The author considers that, it is necessary to take into account foreign experience and values of the Russian legal science of XIX and XX centuries to understand modern Russian law. The category of foreign legal experience, its influence to the modern civil law of the Russian Federation is researched in the article. The conclusion on significant influence of French law on formation of Russian civil law is made by the author. The author states that connection between Russian, French and German law begins in XIX century and explicates a lot of legal institutes included into the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (1996-2006). The influence of Anglo-sax law on Russian law (the institute of confidential management, agent’s services and legal entity/corporate law) is significant too.


foreign legal experience, influence of foreign law, influence of French law, influence of German law, Law Development Concept, Russian legal traditions, French Civil Code, German Civil Code, rent contract, contract on agent’s services.

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