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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Marcou G. Social Functions of Civil Law Institutions (on the Example of Consumer Rights Protection Legislation)

Abstract: The paper of a prominent French scholar examines the impact of the Civil Code of the Republic of France – Napoleonic Code – on the current position and development of the civil legislation. The reasons and the conditions under which the usual continental lawyer look at the property as the ratio of a person to a thing, as well as changes that have undergone the Code Napoleon's approach to the understanding of property rights and place of contract in regulating of the relations between the subjects of trafficking, to understand the role and place of state in the regulation of private relations with the development of legislation and bodies of state governance formed are researched. The study reflected the ideas of the authors whose theoretical studies formed the mainstream in modern French law of the role of law and the state in the regulation based on the contract relationship. The provisions of the French Law from March 17, 2014 ¹ 2014-344 “on consumption”, which reflects the trends and directions of development of civil law inherent to modern European states’ law.


Napoleonic Code, property, ownership, thing, public policy, state regulation, consumer protection.

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