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Software systems and computational methods
Sedov V.A., Sedova N.A. (2014). Self-evaluation of the quality management system using the fuzzy sets theory. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 456–463.
Sedov V.A., Sedova N.A. Self-evaluation of the quality management system using the fuzzy sets theoryAbstract: in this paper a complex model based on the theory of fuzzy sets is proposed for the automatic analysis of the results of self- evaluation of quality of management system of the structural unit of the university. The model consists of 11 modules, each module is a fuzzyproduction subsystem. The article shows a graphical representation of the membership functions of the input linguistic variables, a fragment of the base of fuzzy productions rules consisting of 125 rules, a sample of surface of fuzzy inference and a demo of the proposed model. The authors use fuzzy inference algorithm, suggested by E. Mamdani, implemented in FuzzyTECH software environment. The novelty of the presented complex fuzzy-production model is in the use of the theory of fuzzy sets, which have not yet been applied in analysis of the results of self-evaluation of quality of management system of the structural unit of the university. Testing of the model on situational examples proved its adequacy in simulated situations. Keywords: quality management system, self-evaluation, efficiency evaluation, fuzzy set, fuzzy-production model, linguistic variable, term-set, universal set, fuzzy productions rule, surface of fuzzy inference
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