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Software systems and computational methods

Vorob’ev A.A., Lagoyko O.S. Information and diagnostic systems for built-in condition monitoring of aircraft

Abstract: The subject of the study is the technology of improving operational reliability of aircraft state aviation. The object of the study is a computer-aided tool for controling the technical condition of the aircraft. The authors substantiate the importance of practice for optimizing the requirements for means of ensuring the maintenance and repair of aircraft, for their continuous and complete information support. The article shows possibilities of providing more efficient use of information gathered by the system of operational control of the aircraft, in the interest of the control of their condition and to ensure its speedy recovery. The paper presents an expediency of supplementing the operational control of aircraft by specialized information-diagnostic built-in control system of their condition, providing information interaction between the controlled part of the aircraft (which is subject to control) and control devices. The authors describe a system of indicators of the reliability of self-control state of the built-in control system. Methodology of the research is structured systems analysis and domain information and logical modeling of data collection and processing. The article reviews the modern approach to the creation of embedded control systems for aircraft, lists the requirements to them and offers basic mathematical relationships for calculating estimates of indicators characterizing the accuracy of the test results. The novelty of the study is in showing the expansion of the list of priorities used in aviation means for the operational control of aircraft in order to create information systems and diagnostic tools for controlling its technical condition.


onboard automated system, information and diagnostic system, informatization of built-in control, diagnostics of technical state, intelligent aircraft equipment, the accuracy of control, in-service inspection, built-in control automation, aircraft condition, fault tolerance of complex systems

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