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Administrative and municipal law

Belousova, E. V. Specific Legal Aspects when Implementing Public Functions by Public Authorities

Abstract: This article considers the matters related to the activities of public authorities acting as legal entities. It reflects the specific features of their functioning as participants of civil-law relationship when implementing public-law powers. The work analyses various approaches to regulating the participation of public regional entities and their bodies in civillaw relationships in Russia and other countries. It researches into the rules of law and local regulations on the status of the public authorities as legal entities. It also considers the practice of vesting with rights of legal entities of public regional bodies in general and some of its bodies. Methodologically, this article is based on the modern achievements of the research theory. In this research, the author used theoretical, general philosophical methods (dialectics, systematic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), conventional legal methods (formal logic) and the methods used in specific sociological research (statistical, expert review etc.). The article identifies the common characteristics and peculiarities of public authorities. It also, in the comparative legal respect, touches upon the matters associated with the attributes of responsibility of public authorities as legal entities in Russia and in other countries, including criminal responsibility. Public authorities (of various territorial levels in federative states and local (municipal)), when exercising their public-law functions in Russia and abroad, often become the subjects of private-law relationships.


power, public, competence, management, private, position, function, education, attitude, self-government.

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