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Administrative and municipal law
Karpov, E. A., Soloviev A. A. (2014). Legal Means for Exercise of Individuals’ Right to Industrial Safety in Situations of Illegal
Enterprise. Administrative and municipal law, 12, 1247–1251.
Karpov, E. A., Soloviev A. A. Legal Means for Exercise of Individuals’ Right to Industrial Safety in Situations of Illegal EnterpriseAbstract: This article considers legal means of exercising individuals’ rights to industrial safety in situations of illegal enterprise. The authors also analyze the difficulties which arise in a situation of illegal enterprise when any workplace accidents occur. In such cases, if the physical person is not registered as a n individual entrepreneur or no legal entity is registered, the public relationship concerning the industrial safety are not created, which, undoubtedly, prejudices the rights of individuals and hinders the correct classification of crimes. Methodologically, this article is based on modern achievements in research theory. In this research, the author used the theoretical, generally philosophical methods (dialectics, systematic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods (formal logic), and the methods used in specific sociological research (statistical, expert review etc.). As was noted in the article, the complex problem of industrial safety must be, the authors believe, resolved by introducing a relevant provision in the laws and regulations concerning entrepreneurial activities. In particular, to fix the status of “illegally established legal entity” and if “persons illegally performing entrepreneurial activities”. This rule with make it possible to implement individual’s legal remedies in case is they carry out any production activities in the situation of illegal enterprise. Keywords: means, labor, safety, law, entrepreneur, activities, protection, commerce, status, control.
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