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Administrative and municipal law

Punanova, U. N. Ways to Improve Administrative-Law Tools for Identifying and Removing Administrative Barriers to Entrepreneurial Activities

Abstract: This article considers the problem of the extent of the administrative influence on business cause by the conflict between the requirement for state regulation of entrepreneurial activities in public interest, on the one hand, and the necessity to provide business entities with the sufficient freedom for achieving efficiency in entrepreneurial activities, on the other hand. The author examines the measures taken by the government to reduce the administrative intervention in the entrepreneurial activities. The objective is to analyze the administrative-law instruments used to identify and remove the administrative barriers: evaluate the regulation impact and expert review of the laws and regulations in order to identify the provisions unreasonably obstructing entrepreneurial and investment activities and describe their defects inhibiting effective identification and removal of administrative barriers. Methodological basis for this research is the general scientific and the specific scientific research methods. The general scientific methods include dialectical, methods of comparative and systematic analysis, generalization, formal logic. The special legal methods used when writing this article: comparative legal and formal legal. On the basis of the analysis of the administrative-law tools used nowadays to identify and remove the administrative barriers to entrepreneurial activities, taking into consideration the experience of OECD member states, the author suggests ways to improve the regulative impact and expert review of the laws and regulations in order to identify the provisions unreasonably obstructing entrepreneurial and investment activities, which ways of improvement will make them more efficient.


administrative barriers, removal of administrative barriers, regulation of entrepreneurial activities, excessive administrative impact, criteria of excessiveness of requirements, mechanism of removal of barriers, monitoring of law enforcement, evaluation of regulatory impact, reform of regulatory policy, expert review of laws and regulations.

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