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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Palamonov, I. Yu., Orekhov, A. N. Peculiarities of Recording Individual Features of Teenagers As the Part of the Technology for Increasing the Value of Life

Abstract: The authors of the article provide a description of a set of methods for recording individual features of teenagers. This set of methods has been developed especially to be used as a part of the technology for establishing the value of life and prosocial orientation of teenagers aged from 14 to 17 who are active Internet users. The set of methods include psychometric methods, in particular, the tests ‘Semantic Research of Social Attitudes’, ‘’Personal value profile’ and ‘Your Value of Life’, the system of data processing and provision of recommendations for the individual psychological influence on the mental structure of teenage personality and a structured system of Internet applications. The Life Value and Prosocial Orientation Technology is based on the use of famous Internet applications: Vkontakte (social network), ooVoo video chat community, YouTube video service, Google Docs as well as e-mail service and a specially designed website www.ìîÿòåìà-ìîÿæèçíü.ðô. The main approach applied to the development of the system for recording individual features of teenagers when developing their value of life and increasing their prosocial orientation is based on the combination of the ideographic and nomothetic methods. This approach allows to base the research on general theories of psychic phenomena as well as general principles of psychology including principles of determinism, holism, activity, development, systems approach, causation and positivity. Theoretical grounds of such record include: rigorous psychological theory that make good use of mathematical tools and results of the analysis of theories and concepts of behavioral modification. This is the first research to develop and verify a set of Internet applications and psychometric methods especially developed for diagnosing individual features of teenagers and allowing to receive information about the semantic structure of teenager’s attitudes, his personal value profile and drivers of increasing of their value of life. The set of methods include psychometric methods, in particular, the tests ‘Semantic Research of Social Attitudes’, ‘’Personal value profile’ and ‘Your Value of Life’, the system of data processing and provision of recommendations for the individual psychological influence on the mental structure of teenage personality and a structured system of Internet applications. The results of the experiment proved the efficiency of the combination of general and individualized influence on a teenager. The researchers have also discovered durable prosocial attitudes in the psychic structure of personality of a teenager. Experience in implementing the technology at relevant organizations has shown that these organizations are much interested in the technology. The authors of the article give master classes on how to use the aforesaid technology and the set of psychometric methods.


value of one’s own life, personal value profile, semantic research of attitudes, life value increasing, prosocial orientation, Internet technology, teenage Internet users, rigorous psychological theory, theories of behavioral modification.

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