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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Korniliev, V. V. Process Approach to the Analysis of Mental States (Part 2)

Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of describing the axis of mental time in the system of procedural analysis of mental states. The purpose of the article is to define the spheres of mental past and mental future which resources can be used by a mental intention. The author also analyzes the conceptual relations between the spheres of mental future and mental past as well as what resources both spheres contain. Based on graphic and mathematical factors the author also analyzes the variety of movements of mental intentions which, according to the author, is supposed to show whether this system is applicable for describing all the variety of mental states. Psychological modeling is one of the main methods used in this research. Psychological modeling allows to study how the dynamics of mental intentions are presented in the system of mental time an biological time axes. As a result of the research, the author has defined the four spheres of mental time and mental future. Each pair of these spheres describe mental skill of an individual in quality and in quantity. Mental skills are a final parameter of a mental state. The norm is defined by a rigorous frequency, symmetry and regular alternate movements of mental intentions. Pathology is defined by a chaotic asymmetry of movements of mental intentions.


amplitude and frequency, mental past, mental future, sphere of mental intentions, genius, pathology, fluctuation, mental intention, mental resource, axis of the mental time.

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