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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Sultanova, M. A. (2014). Lourens Minnema. Play and (Post) Modern Culture (An Essay On Changes in the Scientific Interest in the Phenomenon
of Play) (Translated by Sultanova, M. A.). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 11, 1186–1204.
Sultanova, M. A. Lourens Minnema. Play and (Post) Modern Culture (An Essay On Changes in the Scientific Interest in the Phenomenon of Play) (Translated by Sultanova, M. A.)Abstract: The essay is focused on the growth of the scientific interest of the modern Western culture in play as a phenomenon and metaphor. The phenomenon of play is viewed as a theory (there is a great number of play theories). However, these theories are often used in practice because the metaphor of play has proved to be heuristically useful. They offer a modern system of views that can be used in research. The author of the essay tries to trace back the process of changes in the scientific interest in the concept of play and the process of developing the concept of play as a phenomenon and a metaphor of contemporary (post) modern Western culture. Contemporary Western culture is defined by Lourens Minnema as the (post) modern culture. From this point of view the author of the essay compares this culture with a game, a combination of games without an overall aim, play without a transcendent destination but with particular rules observed by players. According to the author of the essay, Western scientific interest in play as a phenomenon and a metaphor is characteristic of the way in which contemporary (post)modern culture sees itself. Today it is impossible to imagine the Western discourse in any sphere of research without the phenomenon of play, even in such spheres as the theories of culture, economics, politics and etc. (Post) modern culture can be described in terms of play, therefore, (post) modern culture can also express itself through play. Keywords: game, play, culture, modernism, post-modernism, play theory, theory of culture, metaphor, human nature, individualization, transcendentia.
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