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PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal
E.N. Shapinskaya (2014). “Winter Journey” by Schubert in the Context of Contemporary Culture: Eternal Themes and Limitless Interpretations. PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal, 2, 252–260.
E.N. Shapinskaya “Winter Journey” by Schubert in the Context of Contemporary Culture: Eternal Themes and Limitless Interpretations.Abstract: The article analyses vocal cycle by Schubert “Die Winterreise” in the context of contemporary culture. The reasons of its popularity with modern performers and public have been regarded. The author examined both the context of creation of this work and its existence in modern cultural practices. The purpose of the work is to find out the cultural meanings of “Winterreise” which are important for our time. Having examined aesthetic and philosophical ideas of romanticism and existentialism as well as contemporary trends in analysis of art, the author follows the fate of “Winterreise” in the epoch of globalization, when people start feeling the loss of emotions, their substitution by consumerist desires and constant immersion in informational activity. A number of sources, both from the field of philosophy and art study, have been analyzed as well as recordings and personal materials of the author based on different interpretations of the cycle. The musical work has been examined from the point of view of its value for contemporary culture and the potential for interpretation which corresponds to the necessities of our days. As a result the author comes forward with the idea of the importance of emotional and semantic aspects of “Winterreise” for modern audience which has a need for aesthetic and human values lost in contemporary culture. Keywords: music, poetry, romanticism, culture, perception, interpretation, romantic love, Other, context, pluralism
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