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Chuprakova N.S. Informational psychological influence of virtual communication upon the youth within the modern political process

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the issue of influence of the modern mass communication upon the youth. The author conducts an experimental research on the changes in the psychophysiological characteristics of individuals under the influence of virtual communication technologies. The purpose of this experiment is the research on the psychophysiological characteristics of 12–13 year old students in order to determine the link between various specters of activity in the computer virtual reality and the psychophysiological profile of the students. This longitudinal study is substantiated by the character of the experiment, conducted over the course of two years with the same students (two classes of 25 and 27 children respectively). The computer laterometry technology allows us to form various amplitude time structures of sound and noise square waves and provides a wide spectrum of strategies of producing a signal and registering the reaction. In the course of this study it became evident that factors such as personal anxiety, emotional tension and excitability of the right hemisphere cause the susceptibility to the influence of the incoming information. Thus the teenagers become receptive to the various types of information, which can lead to a destructive nature of their participation in the political life of the society.


methods of mass communication, virtual reality, hemispheric asymmetry, personal anxiety, political consciousness, Internet, consciousness manipulation, informational influence, social networks, protest.

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