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National Security

Ursul A.D. Potential for a safe future: direction of establishing the concept of a stable development

Abstract: Due to the problem of survival of mankind and preservation of the biosphere, the subject of this article is the conceptual content of the new strategy of developing a global community enacted by the UN. A stable development is being considered as a global civilizational process that would solve the main socionatural contradiction between the growing demands of humanity and the inability of the biosphere to meet them. This future type of development is being presented as a globally managed systemically-balanced socionatural evolution, which would not damage the environment, and ensure the survival and an indefinitely sustained existence of humanity. The author discusses the conceptual foundations of a stable development, the difference between the modern model of a civilizational process and the society of a stable future, which is aimed at establishing a noosphere (a sphere of human thought). The novelty of this research consists in the focus on the need to broaden the explanation of this type of development and spread it into new directions and spheres of human activity.


safety, survival of civilization, global processes, global stability, demographical stability, national security, priorities of a stable development, socionatural contradiction, environmental safety.

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