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Philosophy and Culture

Mikheeva, Yu. V. Play in Play: Musical Stylizations in Cinematograph

Abstract: The subject under research is the musical stylizations in cinematograph based on the example of iconic Russian movies of the 1960th – 1980th. The author of the article describes the process of evolution of ways, forms and meanings of musical stylizations throughout the history of cinematograph in the 20th century. Based on the hermeneutic definition of game, the author describes peculiar stylizations used by Dmitri Shostakovich, Alfred Schnittke, Sergey Kuryokhin and other composers. These stylizations do not only characterize the composer’s style and movie director’s conception but also reflect the ideological and artistic trends of those times. The author studies stylizations in terms of the audiovisual counterpoint, polysemantic structure of a cadre and esthetics of visual absurdity. The author has used the hermeneutic method of interpreting an artwork, historical-cultural approach, method of comparative analysis of genres and styles of musical art and cinematograph. This is the first research to study musical stylizations in cinematograph based on the hermeneutic definition of play as well as hermeneutic categories of esthetical empathy, feeling and understanding and creation of a theoretical model of a piece of art. The author provides grounds for understanding musical stylizations in cinematograph as a play in the player space and makes a conclusion about the beginning of the stage of globalization in the world artistic process which is reflected, particularly, in the polycultural nature of modern musical stylizations in cinematograph.


cinematograph, screen music, musical stylization, audiovisual concept, sound track, player space, hermeneutics, esthetic mind, audiovisual counterpoint, polystylistics.

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