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Philosophy and Culture
Mkrtchyan, R. A. (2014). The Idea of the ‘Bodiless’ and the Concept of General and Particular Natures in Ancient Philosophy and Christian
Patristics of the 5th – 6th Centuries. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1562–1572.
Mkrtchyan, R. A. The Idea of the ‘Bodiless’ and the Concept of General and Particular Natures in Ancient Philosophy and Christian Patristics of the 5th – 6th CenturiesAbstract: The article is devoted to the philosophical concepts of general nature and particular nature that were based on Neo-Platonism and Aristotelianism and made a significant influence on the ideas of Christian philosophers of the Byzantium epoch. The cornerstone of the present research is the analysis of the above mentioned natures. In this regard, the author analyzes the interpretations of the above mentioned natures from the points of view of physicality and the bodiless. The author analyzes which interpretation proves to be efficient, what general nature is and what particular nature is and how these two natures are related. This is mostly an analytical research. The author applies the system approach and views each concept of nature as a system of related ideas and views. The author has used the question-and-answer method to make his analysis more accurate and detailed. The author proves that the concepts of natural nature and particular nature are not necessarily alternative (at least when reasonable beings are concerned). Quite on the contrary, general natures exist side by side with particular natures, both general and particular natures are bodiless and have the same ontological status. Particular nature is the combination of general nature and the principle of individuation. The latter is bodiless, too. Keywords: ontology, Plato, Aristotle, Neo-Platonism, bodiless, David the Invincible, John Philoponus, general nature, particular nature, principle of individuation.
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